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Irys Query Package

The Irys query package is a JavaScript abstraction that sits on top of GraphQL, enabling JavaScript and TypeScript developers to interact with GraphQL without directly engaging in its syntax.


npm install @irys/query
yarn add @irys/query


Import with:

import Query from "@irys/query";


The Query class links to a GraphQL endpoint for query execution, defaulting to for Irys and for Arweave.

When querying Irys, you must query the same node you uploaded to. To change the endpoint, pass any of the following to the Query object constructor:

  • (Default)

When querying Arweave, any of these may be used:

  • (Default)
const myQuery = new Query({ url: "" });

Query Type

Using the Query class users can search any of:

  • Irys transactions
  • Arweave transactions
  • Arweave blocks

The search location is specified by passing a parameter to the search() function.

const results = await"irys:transactions");

The selected search type influences the returned fields and the availability of specific query functions.



Use the fromTimestamp() and toTimestamp() functions to search for transactions by timestamp. Results returned are >= fromTimestamp and < toTimestamp.

You can search by passing Date objects to the functions:

const results = await myQuery
	.fromTimestamp(new Date("2023-07-01"))
	.toTimestamp(new Date("2023-07-03"));

Or by using UNIX timestamps in millisecond format:

const results = await myQuery

Irys timestamps are accurate to the millisecond, so you need to provide a timestamp in millisecond format. You can convert from human-readable time to UNIX timestamp using websites like Epoch101open in new window, be sure to convert in millisecond format, not second.


Use the tags() function to search metadata tagsopen in new window attached to transactions during upload.

Search for a single tag name / value pair:

const results = await myQuery
	.tags([{ name: "Content-Type", values: ["image/png"] }]);

Search for a single tag name with a list of possible values. The search uses OR logic and returns transactions tagged with ANY provided value.

const results = await myQuery
	.tags([{ name: "Content-Type", values: ["image/png", "image/jpg"] }]);

Search for multiple tags. The search uses AND logic and returns transactions tagged with ALL provided values.

const results = await"irys:transactions")
	.tags([{ name: "Content-Type", values: ["image/png"] },
		   { name: "Application-ID", values: ["myApp"] }]);

You can also search Arweave by tags:

const results = await myQuery
	.tags([{ name: "Content-Type", values: ["image/png", "image/jpg"] }]);

Transaction ID

Use the ids() function to by transaction ID. The search uses OR logic and returns transactions tagged with ANY provided value:

const results = await myQuery
	.ids(["xXyv3u9nHHWGiMJl_DMgLwwRdOTlIlQZyqaK_rOkNZw", "_xE7tG1kl2FgCUDgJ5jNJeVA6R5kuys7A6f1qfh9_Kw"]);

You can also search Arweave by transaction ID.

const results = await myQuery
	.ids(["xXyv3u9nHHWGiMJl_DMgLwwRdOTlIlQZyqaK_rOkNZw", "_xE7tG1kl2FgCUDgJ5jNJeVA6R5kuys7A6f1qfh9_Kw"]);

Transaction Sender

Use the from() function to search by wallet addresses used when signing and paying for the upload. When searching Irys transactions, you can supply an address from any of Irys' supported chainsopen in new window.

The search employs OR logic, returning transactions tagged with ANY provided value:

const results = await myQuery
	.from(["UsWPlOBHRyfWcbrlC5sV3-pNUjOQEI5WmDxLnypc93I", "0x4adDE0b3C686B4453e007994edE91A7832CF3c99"]);

When searching Arweave by transaction sender, only Arweave addresses are accepted:

const results = await myQuery

Transaction Recipient

Use the to() function to search for the wallet address of the transaction recipient. This works on Arweave only and is used when there's a fund transfer.

const results = await myQuery


Irys accepts payment in 14 different tokens, these are all searchable using the token() function. Any of these valuesopen in new window are acceptable.

const results = await myQuery

Block ID

Use the ids() function to search for Arweave blocks with the specified IDs.

const results = await myQuery

Block Height

Use the minHeight() and maxHeight() functions to search for blocks within the specified block height range. Results are >= minHeight and < maxHeight.

const results = await"arweave:blocks").minHeight(1188272).maxHeight(1188279);

Or for transactions within the specified block height range. Results are >= minHeight and < maxHeight.

const results = await"arweave:transactions").minHeight(1188272).maxHeight(1188279);


Use the sort() function to sort results by timestamp in ascending order:

const results = await"irys:transactions").token("ethereum").sort("ASC");

or descending order:

const results = await"irys:transactions").token("matic").sort("DESC");

First Result

Use the first() function to return only the first result:

const results = await myQuery
	.tags([{ name: "Content-Type", values: ["image/png"] }])

Limiting Search Results

Use the limit() function to limit the maximum number of results returned. This overrides the default value of 1000 results when searching Irys and 100 when searching Arweave directly.

const results = await myQuery
	.ids(["xXyv3u9nHHWGiMJl_DMgLwwRdOTlIlQZyqaK_rOkNZw", "_xE7tG1kl2FgCUDgJ5jNJeVA6R5kuys7A6f1qfh9_Kw"])

Pagination / Streaming

Use the stream() function to manage large results sets. This function returns an iterable stream that continuously yields results as long as your query keeps producing them.

// Create the stream
const stream = await myQuery

// Iterate over the results
for await (const result of stream) {

Limiting Fields Returned

Use the fields() function to limit the fields returned. To limit the results, set a field's value to false or omit it entirely.

The fields available for retrieval depend on the search type. When searching irys:transactions, the following fields are available:

	id: true, // Transaction ID
	token: true, // Token used for payment
	address: true, // Cross-chain address used for signing and payment
	receipt: {
		deadlineHeight: true, // The block number by which the transaction must be finalized on Arweave
		signature: true, // A signed deep hash of the JSON receipt
		timestamp: true, // Timestamp, millisecond accurate, of the time the uploaded was verified
		version: true, // The receipt version, currently 1.0.0
	tags: { // An array of tags associated with the upload
		name: true,
		value: true,
	signature: true, // A signed deep hash of the JSON receipt
	timestamp: true, // Timestamp, millisecond accurate, of the time the uploaded was verified

When searching by arweave:transactions the following fields are available:

	id: true, // Transaction ID
	tags: {
		// Tags associated with the upload
		name: true,
		value: true,
	anchor: true,
	block: {
		height: true, // Block height
		id: true, // Block ID
		previous: true, // Todo
		timestamp: true, // Block timestamp
	bundledIn: {
		id: true,
	data: {
		size: true, // Data size
		type: true, // Date type
	fee: {
		ar: true, // Fee paid in AR
		winston: true, // Fee paid in Winston
	owner: {
		address: true, // Transation originator
		key: true, // Public key
	quantity: {
		ar: true, // Amount of AR transferred (for token transfers)
		winston: true, // Amount of AR transferred (for token transfers)
	recipient: true, // Transfer recipient (for token transfers)
	signature: true, // Transaction signature

When searching by arweave:blocks the following fields are available:

	height: true,
	id: true,
	previous: true,
	timestamp: true,
